25 Things To Do Before I Turn 25.

I just realized that I am going to 25 in just a few months. A quarter century. It all started with my mama asking me if we should do something for our birthdays. I say birthdays because this year is a big one for the family. I will be 25, my mama 50, and my grandma 75. FUN! (and scary at the same time). Anyways, I have been keeping a list of what I really want to do for years. Some of the goals I have accomplished, others are still waiting. And what would be a better time to work off this list?

01. Plan my future. 
I completed my Bachelor's Degree in 2011. I have been working, traveling, and interning ever since then. Even though it was a lot of fun and I learned a lot it is time to continue my education. So I need to find a Master's Program in Germany. This is the Top 1 goal before I turn 25.

02. Let go of clothes that I do not wear (anymore). 
I am a hoarder, when it comes to clothes. "I will wear this again", "I might make something out of this", "I wore this on my first date". I am good at making up excused to keep clothes. So one of my big goals is it to sort through my closets, and let go of stuff. I started this process, and it was easier than I thought. Now I need to stick with it and do it on a regular basis.

03. Move into my first own apartment. 
Over the years I have lived in a bunch of different places. But I have always lived with roommates. Now that Russell and I have been dating for over a year it is time to make a place our own and I am really excited.

04. Try new workouts and stick with at least one of them.
I am very, very difficult with workouts, because I get bored really fast. But I actually found a workout that I love. It is called Cardio Barre, and  it is the perfect mix of everything. Check it out here.

05. See a musical on Broadway.
I did this with my sister last year, during our travels. We spent quiet some time in New York, and one night we went and saw "The Phantom of the Opera". Unforgettable.

06. Make something every week.
I have made so many awesome things in the past and I can't wait to make more, especially for my apartment. I have come to love DIY's because they individualize everything and make it mine.

07. See the Grand Canyon.
I have been wanting to go forever. I am so close, but haven't been. Before I return to Germany for good, I would really love to take a trip to the Grand Canyon.

08. Cook more.
I like to cook, but it has to be easy. Therefore, I am always on the lookout for easy, quick, and delicious recipes, like this, or this.

09. Watch more movies.
I love movies (who doesn't?) and I really feel like I haven't seen enough. Especially "classics". So I need to do that. On my list: All Star Wars movies, The Godfather, Slumdog Millionaire, The Shawshank Redemption, All about my mother, and La Haine.

10. Get my first tattoo.
After years and years of dreaming about my first tattoo, it actually came as more of a surprise. It turned out beautiful and I love it.

11. Quit biting my fingers.
Odd enough I do not bite my fingernails, but my skin next to it. It just doesn't look pretty. So it is time to stop!

12. Learn: How to style my hair.
I have pretty much one hairstyle: The Bun. It's easy, comfortable, and fast. But I really want to learn some nice braids, easy up-do's, and how to make waves. 

13. Plan Dates. 
There is so much to do and still, our dates are usually 'dinner & a movie' dates. To make them a little more adventurous I started planning fun dates. On my list are museums, new restaurants, galleries, 'sight-seeing', adventures, and spa's. Please share your ideas. 

14. Take more time to read and finish reading a book before starting a new one. 
Right now I have 3 books on my nightstand, that I started but never finished. I am a fast reader, but I need to take the time to read and then finish one book at a time. 

15. Buy the perfect LBD.
I have to admit, I had the perfect Little Black Dress, but that was 25 pounds ago. So now, I need to find a new one, until I fit back into the old one, ultimately a result of following #04.

16. Travel.
I have traveled quiet a bit in my 25 years on this planet. But I really want to go to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Bora Bora, South Africa and sooo many other places... So traveling is basically always on my list.

17. Make another Scrapbook.
I did it. I made one, and it was fun. I haven't made a scrapbook in a really long time, so it took me a little to get back into it. It turned out beautiful and fun. My next goal now is to 

18. Start Smashbooking. 
All those mini vacations and daily pleasures of life, that I don't want to forget need to go in a book. Since scrapbooking my daily life would be way to much work, I want to start filling Smashbooks... I will keep you posted on how that is going. 

19. Keep my space organized. 
No matter if it is a room, an apartment, loft, or house. I am a messy person. I have clothes flying around and books and papers everywhere. So I want to try to be more organized, especially once I move into my own apartment. I would love for it to be organized!

20. Learn: How to sew with a sewing machine.
I used to sew when I was younger, but back then all I did was hand sew. Since that doesn't really get you anywhere, at least not fast, I decided that I need to learn how to use a sewing machine. Last December I signed up for a sewing class at Joann's and I have completed a lot of fun projects so far. This is definitely a hobby I want to keep up!

21. Drink Water.
I love Ice Tea, Lemonade, Juices, and Smoothies. But I still need to drink more water. My skin is super dry if I don't drink enough, so I need to keep reminding myself to drink enough.

22. Learn: How to give myself a mani and pedi.
A nice mani/pedi. One that I can actually wear out. So if you have any tips on that, it would be greatly appreciated.

23. Improve my handwriting / calligraphy skills.
I see all these beautifully addressed letters, awesome chalkboards, and fun motivational posters, and having a decent handwriting or a personal "pretty" style would help making those things.

24. Write more letters and cards.
After #23 I want t write Birthday Cards and letters to the people I love. There is nothing more exciting than getting mail, so I want to give that feeling to my friends and family.

25. Wear more heels.
I love heels, they are pretty and make me feel beautiful. However I am a flipflop/minnetonka kinda girl. But I really want to start wearing more heels. Especially for events, birthdays, and special occasions.

What are your goals?

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