So I have seen these cute little Monsters around the Internet for quiet some time. Yesterday I went into my favorite bookstore and they had one sitting on a shelf, so I thought to myself why not get it. It is just so cute. 29.99€ - not gonna happen. So I went home and thought about how to make them myself. I had some jeans fabric left over from when I cut off a pair of jeans to make shorts, so all I needed was a cute back fabric. I decided on these cute hearts. I stenciled a pattern onto the jeans fabric, free handed. and started sewing. It is harder than it looks online. To get the eyes perfectly round and have everything stick out where it is supposed to... Well this was my first try and I'm sure I'll make some more because they are SO darling.

If you are looking for more inspiration check here...


  1. How cute are these!? :)
    xo TJ

  2. They are adorable! I've seen this around too, but always so expensive - good idea to make your own :)

    Hmm maybe...
