No More Shopping - A Wardrobe Makeover and Refashion

They day has come, I have more clothes than I actually need, and I am actually admitting it. 
I am spending money that I could spend on traveling, tattoos, and books. So I promised myself (and Russell), that I will not buy any new clothes, shoes, and accessories for at least one month. Starting today. In order not to feel the withdrawal and to use my time in a creative way, I will re-fashion at least one piece a week for the next 4 weeks. Watch out for my first post on Friday!

The goal is to get my closet ready to move to Germany with me. Right now I would need 10 suitcases, and that's more than I could carry. So here we go, the shrinking begins. A while ago, I found Geneva's blog a pair & a spare. One post that immediately caught my attention was the Wardrobe Rehab. So I decided to try and follow her system to give my wardrobe a long-needed make over. Step 1 in her series is called: Culling. What this basically means is, to shrink down your wardrobe. That is the goal. In order to reach that goal, I pulled everything out of my closet, dresser, and shoes and made piles of what to

1. Keep
2. Alter
3. Refashion
4. Sell

Some simple questions to ask yourself and help decide if you want to keep an item or not are:

- When was the last time I wore this? 
The general rule is: If you can't remember the last time you wore it, don't keep it! Exceptions are special items (cocktail dresses, gowns, and other clothes you wear to special occasions) and a small number of sentimental pieces.

- Does this make me feel attractive? 
Each and every item in your closet should make you feel comfortable and attractive. So if you don't feel good in it, there is no reason to keep it.

- Does it fit properly or does it need altering?
I love to use the excuse 'I'll fit into these pants one day' - Honestly, I probably won't. So all minor alterations and size adjustments can go on the alteration pile, everything else: donate!

After doing this with EVERYTHING in your closet, including shoes, coats, underwear, and accessories, you should be left with one pile with clothes that look good, fit well, and make you feel beautiful.

What to do with the rest?
Sell: All items that are in good condition and of good quality can be brought to a second hand or consignment store. That way you will get a little money for all the pain of culling your wardrobe has caused you. Be aware that there are different kind of consignment stores, some will only take brand names, others will take anything that is in good condition. You can also sell items on ebay, facebook, shop-my-closet, etc.
Donate: All the items that are still in good condition but cannot be sold,can be dropped off at the closest GoodWill or Salvation Army. This will make you feel good and help somebody else to find their perfect wardrobe.
Alter: Figure out what exactly needs to be altered and if you can do it or if you need it done. If you can do it yourself put it on your schedule. Give yourself a month. If you haven't done it by then it goes over to the sell or donate pile.
Refashion: This is the pile I am currently most excited about because I will get "new" clothes without spending much money. I already have two projects in mind for my Refashion pile:

1. Re-use my favorite sweater. It shrunk because my lovely boyfriend put it in the dryer - I don't blame him, but I also don't want to throw it away. So I am thinking of making gloves out of it. I have seen tutorials on Pinterest, so I'll give it a shot.

2. Fix up a dress. My sister gave me a really pretty blouse dress. Unfortunately it is too short, so I am looking to make it longer...

Keep your fingers crossed for me and my pledge. If you have recently sorted through your wardrobe, love to refashion, or have any tips leave me a comment!

1 comment:

  1. I've really been meaning to do this as well! :) I probably have wayyy to many clothes than I should! This is the perfect reminder!
