For the past week I have been dropping Russell off at his German class every morning at 9am. Since we live in a small, german town shops don't open until 10am or even later. A big adjustment for Russell who is used to shops being opened early and closing late. But honestly, I have been enjoying the quiet mornings. Dropping him off and  walking through the empty streets to get my morning coffee have been relaxing an eye opening. Sitting here and having time to think about my day and what's coming next, as well as everything else that comes to mind has become an important part of my day. Leaving the stress and everlasting feeling of restlessness of the US behind me, I feel like I get to enjoy life more. The sleepiness and quiet of my home town is the exact opposite of life in LA. There is no traffic, no rush, no entertainment 24/7. Days start slow, and like today with a market in front of city hall. Two lives that couldnt be more different and yet both lives are mine. I couldn't tell you which one I love more but right now, with waiting for accepting letters, apartment hunting, and living life the german way, I feel comfortable with my quiet mornings, full of coffee, thoughts, and my favorite blogs.


  1. I am originally from the Caribbean, and lived outside the US until I was 13 years old. I do agree with you, it seems like people outside of the US enjoy life with so much ease. I wonder what research studies have to say about that.

    Good luck on your acceptance letters, xo

    1. Thank you! I actually got my acceptance letter today.

      I've talked to so many people who feel the same way and it amazes me, because the US is such a melting pot of people but the restlessness and stress seems to be there no matter where you go...

  2. first of all, i love that watch. second, i love how sitting at a coffee shop for part of your morning gives you that relaxing feeling. it's so wonderful.

    lindsey louise


  3. It is one of my favorite watches, I have to say I love Nixon. So many beautiful watches :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love quiet time too, it's a nice time to think things through! And I love Germany! I really want to visit; it looks like a beautiful place! Wonderful post, I loved it!xo
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